Louisiana FCU Financial Articles


Written by Garick Giroir | December 30, 2019

If you use products like Netflix, Spotify, Amazon Prime, Blue Apron, Birchbox, Dollar Shave Club, GoDaddy, Playstation Now, iCloud, Fitbit, etc. 那你就知道基于订阅的服务有多方便了.


According to a 2018 survey by WMG在美国,84%的美国人严重低估了他们在订阅服务上的花费. 研究发现,人们平均认为自己支付了79美元左右.74 a month on recurring monthly expenses.

Then they ran the math. And boy, they were way off. 

The actual cost was closer to $238 a month.


Subscription creep, that's what.

当你承诺每月使用低于20美元的服务时,你的大脑会发生一些变化. They fade into the background —out of sight, out of mind. Because $20 a month won't set you back, right?

退后一步,计算这些产品和i的每年成本t’s easy see how recurring charges add up. Many of these services automatically renew every month, so if you're not paying attention, they're easy to overlook.

有时订阅承诺会在你没有意识到的情况下发生. Take a look at Yousician, 一个互动音乐服务,教用户如何在移动设备上演奏乐器. 该应用程序提供免费的高级试用,你可以点击一个按钮解锁. However, 如果试用结束之前,你通过所有的步骤取消订阅, 100美元以上的年费将从你的十大网投官方入口账户中扣除. 它每年都会发生,直到你进入iTunes并取消订阅.

The point is, 许多公司让订阅变得如此简单,以至于你可能甚至没有意识到你订阅了什么,直到为时已晚.

Mobile app stores have your payment information on file, 因此,在任何时候,你只需点击一下鼠标,就可以带着每月的经常性支出上床睡觉.

Wrangle your apps and cut the fat.

Using the chart below, 您可以根据成本和收益将每月服务分为四类,从而确定它是一项有用的投资还是一种财务消耗. Start by listing out all of your current subscriptions. Remember to list the annual ones, too, like Amazon Prime.

You may not be able to recall everything you’re paying for. That's OK. 如果您需要提醒您当前正在支付哪些服务, apps like Truebill and Trim can scan your expenses, 识别订阅并将其分组到一个桶中,以便全面查看订阅列表.

Now, 通过比较你使用潜水艇的次数和你为潜水艇支付的费用来确定潜水艇的必要程度.

Category Cost and Benefit
High cost, high use. $21 or more monthly. Use more than 10 days per month.
Low cost, high use. $20 or less monthly. Use more than 10 days per month.
High cost, low use. $21 or more monthly. Use less than 10 days per month.
Low cost, low use. $20 or less monthly. Use less than 10 days per month.

High cost, high use.

像YouTube电视(50美元/月)或华尔街日报的数字订阅(37美元/月)这样的服务每个月都要花你一大笔钱, and around $400-$600 annually. 但如果你经常利用它们,这钱花得值. If a high cost, high use 花费在你的日常生活或休闲时间中扮演着重要的角色, it's understandable why you'd want to invest in that service. 

随着你生活方式的不断演变和改变,一定要密切关注这些支出. Something as simple as a schedule change at work, 或者像一个新孩子能把这些奢侈品变成 high cost, low use category.

Low cost, high use.

这些订阅让你的钱花得物有所值,因为你经常使用它们. 这种产品你会放心地推荐给任何人,不管他们的薪水是多少. 在这个类别中,你通常会发现像Netflix这样的热门服务, Hulu Plus, Spotify Premium and Fitbit Premium.

只要记住,这是你每月收入的相当大一部分. Don't avoid doing the math. If you're ever in a bind — like, a red-alert, I-can't-afford-to-pay-rent kind of bind, do the smart thing and cut these subscriptions loose. 当你的财务状况好转时,他们还会在那里. 

High cost, low use.

Subscriptions in the high cost, low use category should be cancelled, no discussion. 一个很好的例子是,人们忽视了HelloFresh或Blue Apron等送餐服务. 这些产品很好地教会了不喜欢下厨房的成年人如何烹饪新鲜、健康的食物. However, things come up. People get busy. 忙碌的人并不总是想在一天结束的时候准备复杂的饭菜. It becomes a logic call. If your family is paying $139.每周84美元,高质量的食材送到你家门口,只是为了让这些食材在你的保鲜柜里腐烂, 你应该考虑一下,那笔钱花在别的地方是否更好.

Another common high cost, low use recurring expense is your gym membership. A recorded 67% of people with gym memberships never use them尽管每月要花50多美元才能享受不锻炼的特权.

Low cost, low use.

这类费用往往是被遗忘的订阅费用, or needed at one point in your life, but are no longer relevant. 这些是拖累你的经常性付款,由你来决定这项服务是否必要. 有人在2015年订阅了Kindle Unlimited,然后在2017年不幸地在海滩上丢失了她的Kindle,他可能仍然需要支付9美元.99 for a service that’s no longer relevant to her lifestyle.

More and more mobile apps like Photoshop Express, Cozi, Comixology和Translate Assistant(仅举几例)提供高级功能,只需每月支付一小笔费用. 考虑到平均每个人的智能手机上安装了80个应用程序, uses 30 of those monthly and just nine daily. 这些额外的支付会被好好利用,还是只是在混乱中消失?

The bottom line.


If you're not ready to part ways with your monthly service, 至少试着寻找其他的解决方案,比如租房, buying used, or splitting the cost with someone. 有趣的事实:80%的消费者承认与至少一个人共享电视/电影流媒体订阅或高级音乐计划.

有时候,经济增长意味着要诚实地面对自己,哪些购买给你的生活增添了意义. Any time you can cut down on unnecessary expenses, you create more room in your budget for bigger, better goals. 





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