

写的 Garick Giroir | 2021年8月16日

Banking with your mobile device is quick and convenient. 但这是一种安全的理财方式吗?

每一天, millions of people use their smartphones to check their account balances, 存款支票和转账. Mobile banking has quickly become a preferred banking tool for many, largely due to its powerful and convenient way of letting account holders control their funds from the palm of their hands.   

But like most web-based activities, mobile banking comes with inherent risk. By becoming aware about these risks and learning how to defend against them, you can protect yourself from becoming a victim of fraud and use mobile banking with confidence.


根据数据科学公司 Feedzai, online banking accounted for 93% of all fraud attempts at the beginning of 2021. 与86年.5% of Americans now using their mobile devices for banking, the FBI警告 that cyber actors are scamming banking customers using a variety of new scam techniques.


Fraudsters are concealing malware in seemingly normal gaming and utility apps. Once the user launches their legitimate banking app, it triggers the trojan on their device to create a false version of the bank's login page and overlays it on top of the legitimate app. Once the user enters their credentials into the false login page, the trojan sends the user back to the real banking app login page.


The FBI has found cases of scammers designing fraudulent apps designed that look identical to their actual banking app. These apps provide an error message after the attempted login and will use smartphone permission requests to obtain and bypass security codes texted to users. US security research organizations report that in 2018, 近65,在各大应用商店中发现了000个假冒应用, making this one of the fastest growing sectors of smartphone-based fraud.





Online security is a top priority for financial institutions, who invest hundreds of millions of dollars into cybersecurity to protect your accounts. Banks and credit unions have systems in place to keep your money safe — but it's up to you to practice safe habits to keep your information secure. 


Your purse has a lot of important and personal items in it, which is why you probably wouldn't leave it unattended in your car or a coffee shop. Since your mobile devices carry the same amount of, 如果不是更多, 敏感数据, 你应该以同样的保护态度对待他们.

用完手机后一定要锁好, log out of the mobile banking app when you’re done and always keep it in a safe place. 为了增加安全性, 考虑在手机上安装杀毒软件, as well as a location-tracking app so you can find your device if it ever gets lost. 


在一个越来越遥远的世界, Wi-Fi makes it easy to conquer your to-do list from the comfort of a coffee shop, 图书馆, 酒店, 或者任何有信号的地方. 和公共Wi-Fi一样方便, it can pose major security threats to your bank account if you're not safe. When you connect an unsecure laptop or smartphone to a shared network, you may be creating an avenue for hackers to intercept 敏感数据 stored on your device, such as passwords and credit or debit card numbers.

The safest route is to avoid banking on public Wi-Fi altogether. But if you have to, it’s important to use a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN lets you work within a secure network, even when you’re using public Wi-Fi. It's an effective way to protect your data from scammers and ensure that your account information is kept private. 


Have you ever logged into an account from a new device and ended up having to do extra stuff like answering personal questions, 点击电子邮件链接, 或者输入别人发给你的密码? If so, you have experienced multi-factor authentication in action. 不像单因素身份验证, 你只需要输入密码吗, multi-factor authentication adds extra steps to ensure that it's actually you. 

Never share your account information on social media.

Even if you are exchanging private messages with a representative from your bank or credit union, if your conversation is happening on a social media platform like Facebook or Instagram,  通过聊天分享您的帐户信息. Your credit union will never ask for your account number over a third-party app. 


Mobile banking is constantly changing, making it difficult to identify all possible risks. Staying in the know about trending scams can help you protect yourself and utilize mobile banking with confidence. If you're curious about today's most common fraudulent schemes, check out our 诈骗文章列表.


Security alerts can help you stay vigilant of suspicious activity on your account. 应用程序等 MyCardRules can help you quickly identify when your card is being misused and allows you to take action to stop potential thieves from draining your account. 



综合考虑: 是的

Most victims of mobile banking breaches are those who don't take their security seriously. As long as you use common sense, mobile banking is a secure, convenient way to handle your finances. 

If you’re worried about the dangers of banking on Louisiana FCU's mobile app, rest easy knowing that your safety is always our priority. We take multiple precautions for ensuring your personal information is protected.

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