Should I do it myself or hire a pro?

Blog_when to do it yourself and when to call a professional contractor-4

Most home repairs aren't rocket science.

With so many in-depth tutorials available at the click of a button, 用自己的双手征服家居装修比以往任何时候都更可行.

A do-it yourself或D.I.Y. 项目是指你在没有经验或没有专家直接帮助的情况下完成体力任务. 为什么这么多人选择用自己的双手来处理项目,原因有很多.


DIYs are ty图片ally much cheaper.

Bringing in the expert 将 always be more expensive. After all, you're not just paying for the work; you're paying for time, tools and experience. Tackling a project yourself isn't always cheap, 但考虑到让一个承包商把车开进你的车道要花多少钱, 你还在省钱.

You only need to trust yourself.

由于时间就是金钱,分包商可能会偷工减料以更快地完成项目. If this is a concern of yours, doing it yourself can help ease your mind about the quality of the work.


DIY projects can be both fun and rewarding, and you get to learn as you go.


不幸的是, 也有很多不利的带头维修和改善项目,你自己. 

The end result may not be showroom quality.

There 将 always be a degree of guessing when you're learning on the job. 大多数专业人士都经历过这一切, 它们会熟悉你的厨房或浴室,就像它们在那里长大一样. There's a reason professionals are expensive. They don't want to come back and replace parts, so they use quality materials and do it right the first time.


DIY can consume your free time if it becomes your go-to strategy. 没有适当的研究和准备,一天的项目很快就会变成一个月的头痛. 当你雇佣一个承包商,你可以期望工作完成得又快又好.


Sometimes it's tough to recognize when something only 看起来 容易. 每一个小项目都有无限的机会伤害你的房子或你自己. Some errors can end up costing more time, money and mess than it’s worth. 

To help you weigh the pros and cons, 以下是各种家装项目的分类,可以十大网投官方入口做出明智的决定,看看你是否准备好投入到包揽一切的生活中去, or pay an expert to do it for you.



Aesthetic improvements like 绘画, 贴壁纸, 木材染色和更换现有家具的硬件是DIY者的典型起点. 


The most common of all DIY projects is 绘画. 绘画 your home is a rite of passage — but it requires patience. Your first paint job may turn out rough, so if you want to do this on your own, 一定要保持冷静,记住你总是可以改正错误的. 如果你真的很担心,试着事先在一些可以消耗的东西上练习.


Replacing knobs and handles on furniture is surprisingly 容易. But replacing cabinets and countertops requires a bit more skill. 厨房改造是你能做的最昂贵的事情之一,这是有原因的. 虽然在YouTube上看起来很简单,但不建议新手进行厨房装修.


很像油漆, trim and molding along your floors, ceiling and doors can breathe new life into a drab room. 问题来了. Installing trim and molding is 容易, but 切割 事实并非如此. Achieving the right angled cut on a piece of trim requires 至少 a miter saw (priced at $250-$600) and a ton of trial and error. There is no shame in hiring a pro for this scenario.

Replacing a door is easier in concept than execution. 在安装门时,由于框架不合适,可能会出现许多无法预料的问题, 底板错位, or even un-level floors and walls. 如果你重视自己的理智,通常值得聘请一位专家为你安装门.




室内管道是一个现代的便利设施,你根本不能没有它. The good news is, most plumbing issues are 容易 to solve.

堵塞下水道? 运行$3 毛发 down your drain and you're golden.

马桶堵塞? 跑14美元 厕所里钻 下了管子,你就完成了.

The internet is a wonderful plumbing mentor. With the guidance of a YouTube video, mostly anyone can unclog a pipe, fix a minor faucet leak or changing a shower head. 只要确保你知道供水的关闭阀在哪里,以防紧急情况.

对于大型或复杂的项目,自己动手做弊远大于利. 如果你认为你家的主要下水管道堵塞了,你应该打电话给管道专业人员.

If it's a simple repair, go ahead and take the plunge. But if at any point you feel out of your depth, pause what you're doing. 管道 accidents can become a frightening and expensive scenario.



DIY electrical work makes sense for many homeowners. Projects like replacing outlets, installing new light fixtures, 安装门铃或更换电灯开关板是任何普通人都能完成的简单任务.

What's important to know is this: Wiring is a high-stakes game.

When playing with electricity, it's better to be safe than sorry. 如果你正在考虑自己给家里重新布线,也许要再考虑一下. 一个有执照的电工可以拿到适当的许可证,并以一种不会让你和你的家人处于危险中的方式工作.



自己安装地板是一项劳动密集型工程,需要事先进行大量的研究和规划. 铺设地板看起来就像铺设拼图一样简单,但实际情况要复杂得多. There's a decent amount of prep work, and if you want to do it right, you have to make sure the floor is properly leveled and sealed.

That's not to say it's impossible. People DIY their floors every day. Just know that when you run into problems (and you probably 遇到问题),如果你不知道自己在做什么,它会让你的工作停滞不前.

人们也往往低估了瓷砖和地板工作对体力的要求. 这对你的膝盖和背部来说是残酷的,肯定会让你感到疼痛. 当工作开始感到疲劳时,为了完成工作而偷工减料是很有诱惑力的. 克制冲动! 休息一下,重新组织,当你准备好全力以赴的时候再回来.

无论你是自己动手还是雇一个团队,重新装修地板都要花一大笔钱. You may as well shell out a little extra cash to ensure it's done right.




这里风险太大了. Yes, doing your own roof work can save you an absurd amount of money. 但这也是一项艰苦的工作,需要力量、灵巧和技巧. 否则,你可能会严重损坏你的房子或你自己.

The worst part about rolling solo on a roof is that you cannot dawdle. 你必须高效地完成工作,以避免未完成的屋顶长时间暴露在元素中. 如果你有钱的话, 引进一个知道自己在做什么并能快速完成工作的团队是绝对值得的.

那沥青应该能堵住泄漏. 真遗憾,你把屋顶通风口放倒了,让雨水直接流了进来. # diy #失败. 图片.推特.com/L5TYXmSL6b

— Blue Owl Inspections (@blueowlinspects) 2016年10月28日


6 questions to ask yourself before tackling a DIY project. 


Have I done a project like this before?

如果这不是你第一次做这样的项目,你现在应该可以处理了. If it is your first time attempting this kind of project, you may still be able to do it, as long as you’re prepared for the extra work and focus it 将 involve.

Am I the best person for this job?

Seriously ask yourself, "am I biting off more than I can chew?" Every home has things that require attention and/or need fixing. That's why plumbers, electricians and roofers exist in the first place. Instead of learning a new skill from the ground up, 向专业人士求助,看看请一位专家要花多少钱. If you don't have the cash handy, a 个人贷款 can help you finance the project quickly and easily. 

Do I have someone to turn to if I have questions?

It’s best to be prepared in case you run into trouble mid-project. Get that contractor friend on speed dial.

Does this project involve structural framing?

Avoid tackling projects that involve 切割 through walls, 因为你冒着切割承受房屋重量的工程木材和桁架的风险. If your project fits into this category, have a pro do the job or ask them for guidance before you begin.

Do I have what I need to complete this?

Before going all-in on your DIY project, estimate how much supplies and tools you'll need, and how much time you expect it to take. You may find that the DIY route is not as desirable as you think.


Don’t risk your safety to avoid paying professional prices. You know what else costs a lot? 医疗费用!

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