


移动可以是一种生产. 这份清单可以十大网投官方入口简化搬家, 避免障碍, 尽量减少搬运箱子的时间.


❏ Double-check that all repairs stated on your home inspection report have been completed in addition to the seller leaving behind warranties and receipts for the work.

【检查销售中包括的所有项目。, 从百叶窗到电器, are where they should be in addition to ensuring all garbage and construction debris from repairs have been removed and that the property has been left clean and damage-free.

❏ Open all windows and doors to make sure your home is safe and secure before you move in. Note any window screens that are missing along with windows that are broken or stick when opening, 哪些是潜在的火灾隐患.

❏ 车efully inspect the bathrooms to ensure they are free from mold and water damage. 检查水槽旁是否有积水, 淋浴, and base of the toilet while also testing the 厕所 to ensure they are not running.

❏ Verify all sinks and 淋浴s have hot water, don’t spray water, and don’t leak when turned off. Check to ensure all sinks and tubs are not clogged and drain properly and quickly.

❏ Review the kitchen and check for signs of mold or water damage under the sink, 在洗碗机周围, 在冰箱旁边.

【测试所有的厨房电器,以确保烤箱能正常加热, 没有煤气味, 洗碗机是一个完整的循环.

❏ Check the washer and dryer in the laundry room to ensure they run a full cycle without problems. And if the laundry room has a sink, fill it up to ensure that it drains properly.

❏ 测试空调和供暖系统, 即使你在做最后的演练时是90华氏度的高温, 因为这将确保两者都能正常工作.


❏ Make a closing-up plan: Plan what you need to do now with your current home before you start your move. 你需要把钥匙还给房东吗? 你需要帮助清洁和准备你现有的房子出售吗? Plan these details ahead of time so you can focus entirely on your new home going forward.

【提前选择路线】如果你的搬家地点在当地, drive the route beforehand to identify any obstacles a big moving truck might have to deal.

❏ Snap photos of empty rooms to document needed repairs: As you are packing up each room in your current home, 拍照记录任何需要的维修. This helps show what damage may need to be fixed and what was in perfect condition when you moved out.

【十大网投官方入口】让你现在的家尽可能的干净. 房东可能会因为你把房子弄得太脏而向你收费. You can also save money by reducing the amount of work a cleaning crew has to do if you are hiring one.

❏ Use drop cloths to protect the floors in both houses: Plastic drop cloths cost only a few bucks but can save you big money from the potential damage caused by sliding boxes and 家具 across the floors in both houses.


❏ Plan food and rest breaks: Plan what you will eat along with a few scheduled breaks to rest as moving day is a long and busy day that requires all of your energy and focus.

❏ Create a timeline with goals: Create a moving day timeline or schedule with goals that help you measure your progress throughout the day as you will most likely have just one day to move out of your current home and into your new one.

【十大网投官方入口】如果你还没有这样做的话, 测试你新家的所有钥匙, 还有车库门的密码.

❏ Plug in 电器: Get your refrigerator ready for any groceries you might move in addition to testing lights, 厕所, 和水槽,以确保一切工作,因为它做了最后的演练.

❏ Review your moving contract: If you are working with movers or renting a moving truck, 你的合同将包括搬家的重要时间和条件. Taking a look at this one more time helps ensure there are no moving day surprises or issues.

【十大网投官方入口】既然所有的东西都打包好了, 通过清点你所有的箱子来创建一个移动库存清单, 包括分配给他们的房间, 并记录下你将要移动的所有东西(箱子), 家具, 电器, 等.).

【十大网投官方入口】:把钥匙放好, 手机和充电器, 车库开门器, and critical moving day paperwork (like this checklist) in an easy-to-access box or bag. 还可以准备一把螺丝刀, 剪刀, 布基胶带, 还有手电筒,以防明天用得着.


【十大网投官方入口】你有很多事情要做. 把闹钟定得早一点,开始新的一天.

❏ Eat a good breakfast: Skip the carbs (and the crash that follows) and eat a high-protein breakfast to maximize your energy throughout the morning.

❏ Take a moment to breath: Because you woke up early, you shouldn’t feel rushed. 花点时间深呼吸, 放松, 并反思你所取得的成就.

❏ Review your moving inventory list: Now that you’ve almost worked through the entire moving checklist, your moving inventory list becomes one of your most important documents to review throughout the day to ensure everything gets from your current house to your new home as expected.

❏ Stay hydrated: Grab a few bottles of water to drink throughout the day to stay hydrated and focused during your move.

【十大网投在线入口】让你的选择更简单. 记住,你的盘子和餐具都装好了?

【十大网投官方入口】是时候开始和搬家的人打招呼了, 开上你租来的卡车, 或者欢迎你的朋友和家人自愿十大网投官方入口.

❏ Lock up: As you’ll be the last one to leave your current house, take one final walkthrough. 拔掉所有东西的插头,关掉灯,最后一次锁上门.


❏ Clean: You might feel tired after your move, but your home will never be easier to clean than now. Get a fresh start and do a deep clean while everything is still packed in boxes.

【十大网投在线入口】如果需要的话, get any painting you need to finish up done now before unpacking as there is less prep work for you to do while your belongings are still in boxes.

❏ Change the locks: Who knows how many people the last homeowner trusted with spare keys. 换掉所有的锁,确保你的物品安全.

【十大网投官方入口】:会有很多东西要扔. Be ready to put trash and items for recycling out to be picked up at the first chance you get.


Stepping foot into your new home is one of the most satisfying feelings in the world. 祝贺你干得好! 你的新家是一项投资,它将为你带来终生的回报.

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