


我们努力帮助我们的社区实现他们的财务目标, scammers work hard to bilk unsuspecting people out of their hard-earned money.

我们保证你的安全, scammers are committed to stealing your information and use it for bad stuff.

诈骗是一个巨大的威胁——不仅仅是对美国.S.,而是整个世界. 去年,据报道,这一数字为1美元.由于欺诈损失了480亿美元. 没有百万, 欧元. 随着互联网的兴起, 骗子现在可以撒更大的网来抓住他们的受害者, 让你轻易上当,就像错过机会一样.

As a defender of finances, we did the research and identified the top tricks scammers use on members.

And before you say you’re too smart to be swindled because you grew up with the internet, 看看这些数字.

根据… 报告 联邦贸易委员会(FTC), 千禧一代比老年人更容易受到网络诈骗的伤害, 虽然看起来很令人震惊. The research finds that 40% of adults age 20-29 who have 报告ed fraud ended up losing money in a fraud case.


来源: 联邦贸易委员会

不管你的年龄多大,有一件事是肯定的. 如果你知道这些骗局,你就不太可能上当. Here's a list of the top scams aimed at members and how to avoid getting duped.



最古老和最流行的网络骗局, Nigerian scams involve someone overseas reaching out to you through email or social media with an elaborate request to send you a large sum of money, stating that they cannot access it where they live because of government restrictions. In exchange for your help, the scammer offers you a percentage of their riches. They will be persistent and ask you to pay more and more money for additional services, 例如交易费用或转移费用. 你甚至可能会收到让它看起来像真的文件. 最后,你破产了,没有任何承诺的钱.

这些骗局也被称为“尼日利亚419”骗局, 在尼日利亚刑法规定这种做法为非法之后. While these scams originated in Nigeria, they now come from all over the world.

据一项调查显示,美国人去年因这类欺诈行为损失了70.3万美元 ADT安全服务公司的最新报告, 数据来自商业改善局 骗局追踪.

如何避免这种骗局: Experts say these types of emails are typically unexpected and from an unknown sender. Some email providers may even automatically send these to your spam folder. 如果你收到一封看起来很粗略的邮件, 留意那些危险信号,比如语法错误和提到十大网投官方入口, government agency or other organization that requires fees to be paid before the money can be moved.



也被称为支票超额支付欺诈. 如果你在网上卖东西, 你可能会得到一个回复,有人提出使用十大网投官方入口本票, 个人支票或公司支票来支付你出售的物品. 买家会寄给你一张高于要价的支票, claiming it was a mistake and asking if you could wire back the difference after you deposit the check. 当支票被退回时,骗子可能已经销声匿迹了. 这样,你就得付全部费用了.

如何避免这种骗局: 如果您曾经收到过来自未知方的支票,请谨慎使用. Regardless of how insistent a buyer may be, never cash a check and immediately wire money from it. Talk to your credit union if you have any concerns about a payment you receive.



礼品卡是一种流行且方便的送礼方式. 这也是骗子越来越常用的方式 偷你的钱.

在这个骗局中, fraudsters place a call or email to an unsuspecting victim with urgent news or a convincing story. 然后他们问, 或者在大多数情况下是压力, 送他们礼品卡的人, 比如iTunes或Google Play卡. This scam is usually performed under some sort of veil and will sound sincere. 例如, 欺诈者可能会联系你并声称是国税局的, 技术支持, 家庭成员甚至是你的老板.

这取决于消息是谁发的, 受害者可能会感到压力,要迅速采取行动. 如果你在这种情况下, 如果有紧急要求,你会向老板提问题吗? If the answer is no, then you're much more likely to fall victim to this sort of scam.

如何避免这种骗局: If someone comes to you asking for a gift card, remember that gift cards are for gifts, not payments. 您有两种选择:或者不与请求者进行交互, 或者它似乎来自你认识的人, 拿起电话问问他们.



If you ever see an advertisement or website claiming promoting the perks and pay of becoming mystery shopper, 你应该睁一只眼闭一只眼.

A mystery shopper is a person hired by a retail company to evaluate the quality of service in their stores. 通常情况下,购物者可以得到补偿,并保留产品或服务. 有时购物者也会收到一笔小额付款.

是的,这是人们真实的行为. 不幸的是, the landscape is littered with fraudulent mystery shop company waiting to prey on people looking to get paid to shop These scam artists create websites where you can “register” to become a mystery shopper after paying a certification fee. 提供的认证几乎总是毫无价值的. 如果你试图从发起人那里获得退款,你将不走运.

如何避免这种骗局: 诚实的公司付钱让你为他们工作,而不是向你收费. 如果公司要求你提前付款来获得这个机会,那就走开. No real job opportunity, including mystery shopping, involves paying for the job. 如果你想成为一个神秘购物者, you can easily find jobs and list of companies that use mystery shoppers on the internet for free.



Just when you thought it was safe to start dating online, scammers ruined everything by 把毫无希望的浪漫变成非法的钱贩子.

根据FBI的说法, in 2018, confidence/romance fraud was the seventh most commonly 报告ed scam and the second costliest scam in terms of victim loss.

The scammer starts by meeting an unsuspecting victim through an online dating site or app using a fake photo as their profile pic. 在赢得对方的信任之后, 骗子试图说服可怜的受害者寄钱,这样他们就可以, 例如, 买张机票去参观, 或者为他们生命中的悲剧买单.  

更糟糕的是. 在很多情况下, the victim unknowingly becomes a “money mule” — a term you may recognize from crime dramas like Scarface or The Wolf of Wall Street. “骡子”是指替别人非法转账的人. 在建立信任关系之后, the con artist convinces their victim to open a bank account under the guise of sending or receiving funds. Shortly after, the account is used to funnel money from any number of illegal activities. 如果该账户被金融机构标记, it may be closed and the cyber criminal will either persuade the victim to open a new account or begin grooming a new victim.

到目前为止, 受害者的年龄, 教育程度和收入水平各不相同, 但联邦调查局已经确认了女性, 老年人, 寡妇或鳏夫是最具针对性的人群.

如何避免这种骗局: Online dating is a perfectly fine path to finding love, but it's important to use good judgment. Cyber criminals do not use their own photographs; they use an image from another social media account as their own. A reverse image search can determine if a profile picture is being used elsewhere on the internet, 以及它在哪些网站上被使用.


假日前后,诈骗企图开始激增, 所以我们建议所有会员都下载mycarrules应用程序. It's 100% free and gives you the power to shut off your Louisiana FCU card at any time.







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