

Values-based planning is a philosophy that's spreading like wildfire in the financial sector. Is this a passing trend or did they finally crack the code to attaining true wealth?

我们最近采访了美国金融服务公司(financial center)的高级财务顾问科里•福肖(Cory Faucheux) TruWealth顾问,讨论以价值为本的财务规划的理念和实践. Cory also took questions from viewers and offered expert advice on mapping a personal path to wealth. 观看完整的Q&下面的视频或继续滚动文字记录.



Financial planning — as a whole — is learning 如何 to get from point A to point B. 这就是为什么那么多人关注 如何. 基于价值观的规划远不止于此. 它关注的是 为什么. 它超越了数字,看到了你的价值体系和动机.


At the most basic level, make sure you have an emergency fund or cash reserve. 坏事不可避免地会发生,为此做好准备是很重要的. We all know someone who was furloughed or lost a job because of the pandemic. 我们看到很多家庭从两份收入变成了一份收入. 有一笔应急基金是非常重要的.


这主要取决于你个人情况下的现金流. 从一个可以实现的目标开始. 保存1美元,每月存入100美元,为期10个月, 或者每月50美元,连续20个月, then keep growing that number until you have enough to cover at least three months of expenses. 我说的是抵押贷款,电费,电话费,还有 生活必需品.

If your employer offers payroll deduction, that's a great way to build your emergency fund. With a set portion of your paycheck automatically going into your savings account, 你不必依赖纪律. Trust me, being disciplined on the front end saves you a lot of heartache on the back end.


It all boils down to your personal values — and the most basic thing I want everyone to understand is no one has a 更好的 一套比别人更重要的价值观. 这主要是关于你是如何长大的,什么对你来说是重要的.

债务问题是我们在两党都能看到的问题. 我的许多客户都非常厌恶债务. 他们想要还清抵押贷款,还清车贷, 一切 得到了回报. On a more reasonable and foundational level, my advice is to pay off your high-interest debt first. 如果你看看高息债务的最低还款额, 你会意识到其中有多少是利息, 不是主要的. 按照这个速度,你可能需要20年才能还清你的信用卡.

如果把信用卡当作工具而不是拐杖的话,它是很好的工具. If your card balances start looking like a 抵押贷款, it may be time to consolidate those payments. 债务合并 是把你的高息债务变成低息贷款的行为吗. 这是一个聪明的财务举措,可以十大网投官方入口更快地还清债务, 简化你的财务,提高你的信用评分. 看看路易斯安那州联邦调查局 债务合并计算器 看看合并是否适合你.



现在利率很低,我不会急于偿还抵押贷款. 通常, 尤其是如果你还年轻的话, saving for retirement is a bigger long-term win than trying to expedite a 抵押贷款 payment.

汽车贷款也是如此. 你的车肯定会贬值. 我想投资的东西没有多少是有保证的 失去 钱.


这取决于. 较老的贷款利率在2之间.5% to 4.而较新的贷款则接近6%.75%或更高! 你的学生贷款是按10年标准工资来安排的吗, 或者以收入为基础的还款,可能需要30年才能还清? The higher the interest rate is on your college debt, the quicker you should try to pay it off.  


了解你所有的选择. 选择一是什么都不做:你可以把钱留在你的401k账户. 你不需要把它拿出来. Just make sure you understand your investment strategy, that is, your goal for the account. 我想要完成什么? 为什么这是我的目标? Confirm that your goals are in line with your risk profile and that your beneficiaries are set up. 这可能发生在个人退休账户IRA中. ira就像你自己的个人401k,可以免税滚转, 只要是直接翻转就行.

选择二是把钱取出来. 如果你超过59岁半,你就不用再付罚款了. 但请记住, you will still pay the likelihood of taxes on that amount if all your contributions are pre-tax. 在你套现之前, it's important to understand 如何 that's going to impact your tax situation as a whole.

Option three is to get an annuity, which is a form of insurance that pays out over a period of time. It sounds good on paper, but the returns can sometimes be weaker than a traditional investment. 在你做决定之前, 好好看看这些费用, 风险, 流动性和不同的选择可供您选择. 


再一次,这一切都归结为目标,原因 为什么. 如果你正在为退休储蓄,401k是最好的起点. 通常你的雇主会提供一个匹配的. 这是免费的钱! 没有其他地方可以让你投资并获得免费资金. 

如果你的目标是有足够的钱来应对紧急情况,那就带现金吧. You don't want to tie that into something like a certificate of deposit (CD), 因为如果你有紧急情况,你不会想要打碎CD的.

如果你在为教育存钱, there are things like Coverdell Education 储蓄账户 or Louisiana START 529 plans that are made for that.

问题应该是 “目的是什么? 是什么推动了储蓄?" Knowing the answer can help guide you toward the best option for saving 钱. 



为了开始预算,必须有一个 为什么. To stay disciplined in anything in life you have to understand 为什么 you're doing it. 你的动机是什么? If you don't have a cash reserve or you don't have your debt 得到了回报 and that's your motivation, 好吧, 这就是你的原因. 你的目标应该与你的预算一致. You can't be on a beer budget with champagne taste and expect that to really pan out. 你必须根据你的预算设定现实的目标. 我的建议是从预算开始, 了解你的资源是什么,然后设定合理的目标. If you set goals that are way too high or way too big and you never get that first win, 你无法建立动力.

我喜欢零基础预算方法. 如果你有 这么多 有足够的收入来工作,并且在你付清所有账单后还剩下100美元, 你需要找出一个月存100美元的最佳地方. If your goal is a $1,000 you know it's going to take you 12 months to hit your first goal. 然后你可以说:“我想在12个月内有一笔应急基金.“没有最后期限的目标只是一个愿望. 你需要说,” 我能做到吗?" Only by creating the budget and understanding your resources can you really set appropriate goals.

之后你的目标应该是退休, and that's a little bit more complicated than just pulling a number out of the air. That's 当 you should sit with a financial expert to work through the prioritization your goals, 你的时间表, 你的资源以及你将如何到达那里.


永远不会太迟. 当然,你越年轻,你的生活就越好. 但从来没有 太迟了. 如果你还没有开始,现在就开始吧. If you don't start now, tomorrow's going to come and you still won't have started. It's like anything that you look at and say, "It's going to take me five years or two years.你猜怎么着? 不管是两年还是五年, it's going to pass regardless and you're still going to be in the same position if you haven't done anything.

许多年轻人对我说:“我没有很多. 我能放下的感觉还不够." 这就足够了. 永远不会太迟,而且总是足够的. 开始并保持自律. 这是我能给你的两条最好的建议.



我在这两方面都做过很多交易. 没有对错之分. Your goal for retirement should be to be able to wake up in one morning and have income without having to go to work. Some people achieve that through the stock market; Some people achieve that by starting a small business like a carwash or something that has passive income. 有些人通过租赁房产来实现这一目标.

The only caveat: I've seen people who have a lot of rental property but not a lot of liquidity. 如果经济不景气,这就不是一个平衡的投资组合. 就像你不会把所有的大盘股都作为股票投资组合一样. 拥有所有非流动性投资作为你的全部净资产也是不理想的.

只要谨慎行事,确保你有足够的流动性. 对于股票,很容易说,“我的回报率是多少??" It's not that easy to calculate your true rate of return on a rental property. "我以X的价格买的,抵押贷款是Y,保险是Z. 我把它租出去,这是净差价.不一定. Because once your tenant moves out in three years, will you have to replace carpet? 你要重新粉刷吗? 你得把屋顶换掉吗?

如果你买了产权, have good tenants and good upkeep — rental properties can be just as good as the stock market. But neither are inherently superior since they both accomplish the same goal. 这只是你想如何到达那里的问题.


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